Portland OR
Distance | (miles) |
Day | - |
Total | - |
Speed | (mph) |
Average | - |
Maximum | - |
Expenses | ($ US) |
Lodging | - |
Skewer | 24.99 |
Fenders | 35.00 |
Well, I won't be leaving today as I originally planned. I've hit my first setback: arriving late. Assembled the bike and trailer. Attached the rear rack with the rack strap that arrived Friday; the day I was to leave. Wheel & Sprocket really screwed me with all their delays. Not enough time to work out all the kinks. Forgot to remove the skewer from the rear wheel. It snapped in transit. It's a specialty part because of the trailer. The end caps have mounting grooves. It looked hairy for a while, but I managed to locate a replacement at a bike shop in downtown Portland. Also bought fenders that didn't come with mounting hardware. Went back and got the hardware. The front fender uses a standard attachment, but the rear needs unique brackets that they didn't have. One of the sales guys gives me some generic parts including flanges he says I should bend into the proper shape. Screw that. I don't have time. I'll send the fender to Milwaukee and get somebody at Wheel & Sprocket to attach it properly. Did a couple test runs. It looks good. Found Gatorade quarts for 88 cents at Food4Less.