Milwaukee WI
Distance | (miles) |
Day | - |
Total | 2490 |
Speed | (mph) |
Average | - |
Maximum | - |
Expenses | ($ US) |
Lodging | - |
Parts | 55.94 |
Film + processing | 68.83 |
Cash | 200.00 |
ATM Fee | 2.00 |
Done hanging out in Milwaukee. Ate well (brats, corn, grasshopper pie, pesto, steak, beer, frozen custard). Weighed myself on a medical scale. Down a reasonable ten pounds. Saw friends and relatives. Took it easy. Will resume traveling tomorrow morning.
Went to Wheel & Sprocket for maintenance. Installed rear fender, adjusted rear deraileur, replaced noisy axle on trailer, replaced lost rear reflector on trailer, replaced rear tire and tube. The tube had fused to the inside of the tire. Pulling it out was like pulling off a bandage. I've never seen this happen before. One of the recumbent salespersons snapped my photo for their web site. Got a free sweat shirt, T-shirt, and copy of Recumbent Cycling News for my image.
Rode about 200 miles around town. Did the main loop of the Oak Leaf Trail (approximately 67 miles). Sections of the trail need work, but on the whole the Oak Leaf is the best urban trail in the US. A mix of secluded off road trails, park paths, park roads, and city streets. The worst segment is Underwood Parkway. It's in serious need of repaving — a complete repaving. The best is the converted Chicago and Northwestern right of way. A cool green alley through the city with a smooth strip of pavement down the middle. Recumbent bicycles are everywhere in Milwaukee. Among the riders on the Oak Leaf Trail, every tenth bike is a bent, perhaps the highest concentration in the US.
Checked out the new stadium for the Brewers. Went inside St. Josephat's Basilica. Found out it's the third basilica in the United States. The interior is stupendous after the recent renovation. Went to St. Adalbert's and Pilgrim's Rest Cemeteries. Had a Burger and root beer float at Kopp's. Investigated the lakefront. The Great Circus Parade is in town. Saw some of the wagons and rail cars. Rode past African World Fest but didn't check it out (two shooting incidents this year). Saw some new homes built by Habitat for Humanity. Some guy on Humboldt partially buried a Cadillac in his front yard as an art piece.
Todd emailed me some new photos from the trip. I will forward some of them. The last photos I sent "bounced" from all the Juno accounts.