A. Appendices
A.3 Internet Resources
A collection of links to web resources on chaos, fractals, and dimension. Untouched since the first decade of the twenty first century. A dusty relic? A moment in time preserved forever? You decide.
chaos, dimension, faq, feigenbaum, fractals, image‑compression, ifs, l‑systems, mandelbrot‑julia, music, newsgroups, newton, periodicals, personalities, science, strange‑attractors, miscellaneous
Chaos (Dynamical Systems)
- Applied Chaos Lab, Georgia Tech
- Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Texas, Austin
- Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Chaos, Complex Systems Virtual Library, Charles Sturt University
- Chaos Center at the Visual Math Institute, Ralph Abraham
- Chaos Club, Minnesota Tech Prep and Intermediate School District 287
- Chaos Group, University of Maryland, College Park
- Chaos Homepage, Andrew Ho
- Chaos Metalink, Industrial Street Productions
- Chaos Research Group, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Chaos Theory and Fractal Phenomena, Manus J. Donahue III, Duke University
- Chaotic Systems Textbook for PFP 96, University of Pennsylvania
- Chua's Circuit, Valentin Siderskiy
- Classical and Quantum Chaos (ChaosBook), Predrag Cvitanovic', Niels Bohr Institute
- Computational Beauty of Nature, Gary William Flake, MIT Press
- Dynamical Systems and Fractals Lecture Notes, David J. Wright, Oklahoma State University
- Dynamical Systems and Technology Project, Robert L. Devaney, Boston University
- Kelleen Farrell, a suite of web sites devoted to chaos and nonlinear dynamics
- Mainz Nonlinear Dynamics Bibliography, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
- Meddling in the Affairs of Infinity (video feedback), Shohdy Nagib
- Messy Futures and Global Brains, Gottfried Mayer-Kress, Santa Fe Institute
- Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems Virtual Library, Charles Sturt University
- Nonlinear Dynamics, The Net Advance of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Nonlinear Lab, Blair Fraser, University of Western Ontario
- Nonlinear Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Order Course, M. Casco Associates
- Random Acts of Finance: Chaos Theory, Budget Practice, John Allen Paulos
- Theory and Practice of Chaos, Dale Winter, University of Michigan
- Benoit Fractal Analysis Software, Trusoft International
- Exploring Fractal Dimensions of Strictly Self-Similar Fractals, Mary Ann Connors, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Fractal Dimension Calculator User's Guide, Paul Bourke, Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria
- FracTop V0.2, Charles Sturt University (calculates fractal dimension of gif files)
- HaRFA, Harmonic & Fractal Image Analyzer, Brno University Of Technology
- What's the fractal dimension of… Research done by my students in 2002.
FAQs (some of the many copies)
- sci.fractals
- sci.nonlinear
Feigenbaum Constants (Bifurcation Diagrams)
- 15 Most Famous Transcendental Numbers, Cliff Pickover, University of Wisconsin
- Feigenbaum Constant, Steven Finch, MathCad
- Feigenbaum Constant, Steven Finch, MathSoft
- Period Doubling Route to Chaos, Michael Cross, California Institute of Technology
- About Fract-ED, Douglas Martin, EALSoft
- Art Matrix Fractals, Homer Wilson Smith & Jane Elizabeth Staller
- chaotic n-space network, Jon Camp & Ben Martin
- Chopping Broccoli, Evan Glazer, Northfield Township High School
- Fantastic Fractals, The Why Files, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Farewell to Chaos, Christian Ricordeau
- Fractal Microscope, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
- Fractals, Chaos, Paul Bourke, Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria
- Fractals, Brad Johnson
- Fractals, J.P. Louvet, Université Bordeaux
- Fractals, Complex Systems Virtual Library, Charles Sturt University
- Fractals, Mathematics Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Fractals, MathsNet, Anglia Multimedia
- Fractals Lesson for Elementary and Middle School Students, Cynthia Lanius, Rice University
- Fractals and Scale, David G. Green, Charles Sturt University
- Geometry Junkyard: Fractals, David Eppstein, University of California, Irvine
- Human Consciousness: Its Fractal Nature, John Allen Paulos
- Paper-Folding Fractals, Joel Castellanos, Rice University
Image Compression
- Altamira Group
- Fractal Image Encoding, Yuval Fisher, University for California, San Diego
- Iterated Function Systems for Visualization, Craig M. Wittenbrink, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Iterated Systems, Inc.
- Waterloo Fractal Compression Project, Edward R. Vrscay, University of Waterloo
Iterated Function Systems (IFS)
- Fractals: Not by the Numbers, Gary Kerbaugh, East Carolina University
- IFS Playground, Otmar Lendl, Universität Salzburg
- IFS Studio 1.0, Zoltán Konyha, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Interactive Fractal Generation Using Iterative Function Systems, Richard L. Bowman, Bridgewater College
- Nonlinear Iterated Function Systems, Eduard Gröller, Vienna University of Technology
Lindenmayer Systems (L-Systems)
- Java Fractal Tree, David Hanna
- L-Systems, Complex Systems Virtual Library, Charles Sturt University
- L-Systems Tutorial, David G. Green, Charles Sturt University
- L-Systems Group at Trinity, Trinity College
- L-Systems Software, Biological Modeling and Visualization, University of Calgary
- Laurens Lapre's Lparser Links
Mandelbrot & Julia Sets
- Area of the Mandelbrot set, David Eppstein, University of California, Irvine
- Fractal Explorer: Mandelbrot and Julia sets, Fabio Cesari
- Java Julia Set Generator, Mark McClure, Univerisity of North Carolina at Asheville
- Mand.java, Bob Jamison, Java Boutique
- Mandel, Ken Shirriff, Sun Microsystems
- Mandelbrot Exhibition, Virtual Museum of Computing, Oxford University
- Mandelbrot Explorer, Panagiotis Christias, National Technical University of Athens
- Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets, Binghamton University, State University of New York
- Mandelbrot Set, Franceway
- Mandelbrot Set, Simon Arthur
- Mu-Ency: The Encyclopedia of the Mandelbrot Set, Robert Munafo
- Vagfractals (MandelMaster), Martin Sandin
- Chaos, Self-Similarity, Musical Phrase and Form, Gerald Bennett, Swiss Center for Computer Music
- Experiments with Fractal Music, Dave Sag
- alt.binaries.fractal-art
- alt.binaries.pictures.fractals
- alt.chaos
- alt.fractals
- alt.fractals.pictures
- comp.theory.dynamic-sys
- geometry.software.dynamic
- sci.fractals
- sci.nonlinear
Newton's Method
- Méthode de Newton, Alain Goudey
- Newton Basins, David E. Joyce, Clark University
- Newton's Method, H. Edward Donley, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Complexity International
- Nonlinear Science Today/Journal of Nonlinear Science
- International Journal of Chaos Theory and Applications
- Ralph Abraham, University of California at Santa Cruz
- Michael Barnsley, Georgia Institute of Technology
- William Burke, Lick Observatory
- Michael Cross, California Institute of Technology
- James Crutchfield, Santa Fe Institute
- Predrag Cvitanovic, Neils Bohr Institute
- Robert L. Devaney, Boston University
- Adrien Douady, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- Doyne Farmer, Santa Fe Institute
- Mitchell Feigenbaum, Rockefeller University
- Joseph Ford, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Ronald Fox, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Valter Franceschini, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
- Leon Glass, McGill University
- James Gleick
- Ary Goldberger, Rey Laboratory for Nonlinear Dynamics in Medicine
- Jerry Gollub, Haverford College
- Hao Bai-Lin, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Pierre Hohenberg, Yale University
- Roderick V. Jensen, Wesleyan University
- Philip Holmes, Princeton University
- John Hubbard, Cornell University
- Oscar E. Lanford III, Eidgenössisch Technisch Hochschule Zürich
- Albert Libchaber, Rockefeller University
- Edward N. Lorenz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Philip Marcus, University of California, Berkeley
- Robert May, University of Oxford
- Ken Musgrave, Pandromeda
- Norman Packard,
- Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Universität Bremen
- Clifford A. Pickover, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Ilya Prigogine, University of Texas at Austin
- Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, University of Calgary
- Peter H. Richter, Universität Bremen
- Otto Rössler, Universität Tübingen
- David Ruelle, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques
- Dietmar Saupe, Universitaet Leipzig
- Alexander Sharkovsky (a.k.a. Sarkovskii, Sarkovski), Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
- dummy page, Sorry, this page is not yet constructed
- Christopher Scholz, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Stephen Smale, University of California, Berkeley
- Edward A. Spiegel, Columbia University
- Clint Sprott, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Harry Swinney, University of Texas at Austin
- Floris Takens, University of Groningen
- Yoshisuke Ueda
- Arthur T. Winfree, University of Arizona
- James A. Yorke, University of Maryland, College Park
- A Biological Application of Fractal Analysis on the World Wide Web, Herbert F. Jelinek, Anthony P. Steinke and Peter Bowdren, Compexity International
- Celestial Mechanics and the Stability Problem, Jeff Suzuki, Boston University
- Centre for Chaos And Turbulence Studies (CATS), University of Copenhagen
- Chaos and Mixing Group, Northwestern University
- Chaotic Mixing due to Separatrix Crossing, John R. Cary, University of Colorado
- Combustion Chaos Group, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Contrôle de systèmes chaotiques, Vivien Mallet
- Dance of Chance (Polymer Science), Boston University
- Entropy in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Chris Hillman, University of Washington
- Facial beauty and fractal geometry, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale
- Fractal and Chaotic Dynamics in the Brain, Chris C. King, University of Auckland
- Fractal Clouds Info, Robert F. Cahalan, NASA-Goddard
- Fractal Patterns of Seaweed Settlement, L.M. Emmerson & A.J. Roberts, University of Southern Queensland
- Fire's spread looks fractal, Philip Ball, Nature
- Hellenic Complex Systems Laboratory, Drama, Greece
- Rey Laboratory for Nonlinear Dynamics in Medicine, Harvard University
- Role of Chaotic Resonances in the Solar System, N. Murray & M. Holman, Nature Magazine
- Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences, Vanderbilt University
- Solar System is in Chaos, Nigel Bunce and Jim Hunt, University of Guelph
- Tilt-A-Whirl Chaos (I) (alternate url) and Tilt-A-Whirl Chaos (II) (alternate url) Ivars Peterson's MathTrek
- Turbulence - Pattern Formation - Spatiotemporal Chaos, Nonlinear Dynamics and Fluid Dynamics Group, Cornell University
- Xmorphia (Morphogenesis from a Reaction-Diffusion System), Roy Williams, California Institute of Technology
Strange Attractors
- 3D Strange Attractors and Similar Objects, Tim Stilson, Stanford University
- Strange Attractor Search, Clint Sprott, University of Wisconsin
- Duffing
- Duffing Attractor, Paul Bourke
- Lorenz
- Butterfly Effect, Michael Cross, California Institute of Technology
- Edward N. Lorentz, Exploratorium
- Lorenz and Rössler Attractors, Jared Harris, Susquehanna University
- Lorenz Attractor, Paul Bourke
- Lorenz Attractor, Andrew Ho
- Lorenz Attractor, Hideyuki Suzuki, University of Tokyo
- Lorenz Attraktor, Dörte Haftendorn, Johanneum Lüneburg Informationssystem
- Lorenz System, Diego Stiveen Laverde, Universidad de los Andes
- Lyapunov Exponent and Dimension of the Lorenz Attractor, J. C. Sprott, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- My Ph.D. thesis: The Lorenz attractor exists, Warwick Tucker, Uppsala Universitet
- Henon
- Henon Attractor, Robert M. Dickau, Swarthmore University
- Rössler
- Rossler Attractor, Paul Bourke
- Rossler Attractor, Andrew Ho
- Lorenz and Rössler Attractors, Jared Harris, Susquehanna University
- Art at the Edge of Chaos, Jonathan Mackenzie
- AVirtualSpaceTimeTravelMachine, Jean-Francois Colonna, École Polytechnique
- Chaos and Fractals, Joakim Linde, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola
- Elliot Wave International, Stock Market Analysts
- Fractal Gallery, Ken Keller
- Fractal Logic: the art of science, the science of art, Steven Mason
- Fractalus (image gallery)
- Fractovia.Org: Fractal Art, Juan Luis
- Gallery of Mathematics, Loughborough University
- Harold Brochmann (online books)
- Java Gallery of Interactive On-Line Geometry, University of Minnesota
- Java Fractals, James Henstridge
- Lexicon, Jim Crutchfield & Tom Humphrey, Exploratorium
- Pandromeda (landscape & terrain modelling)
- Review of Literature on Chaos, Fractals, and Non-Linear Dynamics, Steve Lee
- Stock market timing (Is it real or is it bullshit?)