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Frequency of Mosquito Wings

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Entomology for Kids. University of Kentucky. 31 May 2000. "Male mosquitoes beat their wings 450 to 600 times per second." 450–600 Hz
"Mosquito." World Book. Chicago: World Book, 1989: 835. "A mosquito's wing move about 1000 times a second." 1000 Hz
Duncan, Juli. Insects and Spiders. Virginia: Time-Life, 1990: 15. "A mosquito flaps its long front wings up to 600 times per second, creating a hum." 600 Hz
White, William. A Mosquito is Born. New York: Sterling, 1978: 21. "The wings beat between 250 and 600 times per second depending upon the species, the wing tips moving a figure-8 pattern." 250–600 Hz
Culex Pipiens Pallens. Singapore Science Centre. 15 April 1996. "The familiar buzz that we hear is produced by the wings vibrating rapidly at 500-600 beats per sec." 500–600 Hz

After researching on the frequency of a mosquito wing, I conclude that the frequency of a mosquito wing is about 600 times per second. Frequency is the number of cycles of a repeating process per unit time.

Mosquitoes belong to the order, Diptera, the true flies. Mosquitoes have two wings, but unlike other flies, their wings have scales and their mouth parts (in female mosquitoes) form a long piercing-sucking proboscis. Mosquitoes have antennae that are used to smell, touch, and take moisture from the air. Mosquitoes can live up to 30 days or more. Mosquitoes are such small creatures (5.5 mm long), yet they are able to fly at 1 to 1.5 miles per hour. Mosquitoes have been known to travel 75 to 100 miles.

There are variations in the values of the frequency at which mosquitoes beat their wings. Sources show this value ranging from 250 to 1000 Hz. This variation could be due to the differences between species or genders. There are over 2500 different species of mosquitoes throughout the world, of which 150 can be found in the United States (73 in Florida alone).

A female's wing makes a higher tone than a male's wings. Both male and female mosquitoes have mouth parts, but only a female's is adapted to pierce skin and suck blood. Female mosquitoes only suck blood to develop eggs. In addition, the male's antennae are very hairy while female's antennas have a few small hairs. Females also live longer than male mosquitoes.

Diana Leung -- 2000