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Mass of US Wheat Production

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Boyer, Paul. The American Nation. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1998. "Year 1991 -- 1.98 billion bushels"
" Year 1910 -- 625 million bushels"
5.38 × 1010 kg
1.7 × 1010 kg
Considine, Douglas. Food and Food Production Encyclopedia. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982. "Late 1970s show that the worldwide production of wheat approximates 400 million metric tons, United States leads 14.5% of the total, which is about 58 million metric tons." 5.79 × 1010 kg
US Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Statistics. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1999. "Year 1998 -- 2,550,383,000 bushels" 6.94 × 1010 kg
US Department of Agriculture. Small Grain: 1980 Annual Summary. Washington, DC: Crop Reporting Board, 1980. "Growers harvested 2.37 billion bushels of wheat in 1980" 6.44 × 1010 kg
US Department of Agriculture. National Agricultural Statistics Service. Table 26. Grains-Corn, Sorghum, Wheat. Agriculture Census for United States. "Year 1987 -- 1,887,103,964 bushels" 5.13 × 1010 kg

Wheat is a common name for cereal grass of a genus of the grass family. It was cultivated for food since prehistoric times by the people of the temperate zones, and now the most important grain crop of those regions.

Wheat is a tall, annual plant attaining an average height of 1.2 meters. The species of wheat are classified according to the number of chromosomes found in the vegetative cell. The common wheat grown in the United States are spring and winter wheat, planted either in the spring for summer harvest or in the fall for spring harvest.

The main use of wheat is in the manufacture of flour for bread and pastries. And it's also used in the production of breakfast food and to a limited extent in the making of beer, whiskey, industrial alcohol, etc.

Wheat is used in every day life, but except for the scientists and economists who study agriculture, no one would actually research on how much do our country produce wheat annually. This is one of the reason why I chose this topic. The mass of the US wheat production has been collected in numerical values from different sources, ranging from the year 1910 to 1999. There's noticeable jump of the mass of the wheat production since the 1970s compared to the year 1910. This is due to the fact that high yielding wheat have been developed for more efficient plantation. Since then, the mass of the wheat production have been in a steady rising trend as technology enable farmers to produce better crops.

Jennifer Wang -- 2000