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Volume of World Beer Consumption

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Beer Consumption Around the World. Brewers Association of Japan. "Total Beer Consumption in the World (1999, estimate) 132.418 million kl." 132 Gl
"Beer." World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, 2001. "People throughout the world drink about 30 billion gallons (114 billion liters) of beer annually." 114 Gl
Starling, Mike. World's Hottest Beer Markets: 1999. October 1999. "Worldwide, beer consumption rose 7.1 percent between 1993 and 1997, from almost 116 billion liters to just over 124 billion liters, the Euromonitor report said." 124 Gl
United States Drinks Most Beer. Southern Draft. March 1997. "But total consumption of beer worldwide reached 120.57 million kl rising 2.5 percent or 4.6 billion bottles over 1994, reported Kirin Brewery Co. in December." 120.57 Gl
De Boni, Dita. Cheers! But Drinkers Put Breweries Over a Barrel. Business Herald. 27 April 2000. "Taken as a world snapshot, the volume of beer consumed increased 1.4 per cent to reach about 130 billion litres last year, although markets such as Belgium, Denmark and Holland experienced sharp declines." 130 Gl

Beer is a common alcoholic beverage that is made from barley, yeast, hops, water, and grains. Its alcoholic content comes from the process of fermentation, which converts the simple sugars (carbohydrates) in the grains and barley into alcohol. It is widely consumed all over the world. As time progresses, people around the world consume more and more beer. Intake of this beverage should be limited, for it is caloric and can cause a dependence on alcohol.

Annually, the world consumes over 100 billion liters of beer. Reports show that this value is on the rise due to an increased amount of under-aged drinkers and an increasing variety of beers. When it comes to beer, America is the greatest consumer, for people there ingest around 23 billion liters annually. 23 billion liters is equal to the quantity (in SI units) of 23 gigaliters. (The prefix giga is equal to 109.) This alcohol intake contributes to the high rate of death via accidents with drunk drivers. Women are causing their babies to be born with birth defects by drinking without caution during the gestation period. Even though beer only contains around 5% alcohol, it still takes its effects on a developing fetus.

Beer has been brewed for thousands of years. The most primitive beers were brewed in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and China. Now, in the United States, the most common beers are lager beers, which are characterized by their balanced flavors and bubbly texture. Budweiser, Coors, and Corona are common brands available in America, while other countries that consume a great deal of beer usually consume large quantities of beers made in their native country.

Johnny Alicea -- 2001

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Kirin Brewer. Beer Consumption in Major Countries in 2004. Japan: Kirin Brewery, 2005. "World's total consumption volume was around 150.392 million kL (up 4.2% from the previous year) and growth has been recorded for 19 consecutive years." 150 GL
China remains world's top beer producer. China: People's Daily Online, 2004. "Last year China produced a total of 25 million kiloliters of beer, up 7 percent from the previous year putting it on top of the beer producers list for the second consecutive year." 25 GL
WORLD BEER CONSUMPTION TO TOP 1.5 BILLION HL BY 2005. BelgianShop, 2003. "The global beer market is due to reach 1.5 billion hectolitres by 2005, according to leading beverage industry analysts Canadean [sic] in their latest annual Global Beer Report. Global consumption of beer grew by 2% in 2002 to reach 1.4 billion hectolitres, driven mainly by strong growth rates in Asia, East Europe and Africa." 150 GL
Beer Consumption inAmerica. Connecticut: Center for Science in the Public Interest, 2003. "Americans consumed 6.4 billion gallons of beer in 2002." 24 GL

Beer is defined as an alcoholic beverage made by brewing and fermentation from cereals, usually malted barley, and flavored with hops and the like for a slightly bitter taste. The oldest proven records of the brewing of beer are about 6,000 years old. These records refer to a group of people called the Sumerians. No one really knows how they discovered the brewing technique, but it could be thought that a piece of bread or grain became wet and a short time later, it began to ferment and a inebriating pulp resulted. The Sumerians referred to beer as the "divine drink" and it made them feel "exhilarated, wonderful and blissful".

The greatest producer of beer in 2004 is China. The United States is second, with an output of 23 million kiloliters, or more than 15 percent of world output. Germany ranked third, followed by Brazil and Russia.

Eugene Olfir -- 2007