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Index of Refraction of Diamond

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Serway, Raymond A. "The Law of Refraction" College Physics. Pacific Grove, CA: Thompson, Brooks/Cole. 2003: 692. "Diamond 2.419" 2.419
All About Jewels Glossary R. Enchantedlearning. May 2005. "Diamonds have a hardness of 10, a specific gravity of 3.5 and a refractive index of 2.417-2.419" 2.417-2.419
Bayerl, Raymond J. Diamond: A many-faceted substance. Northville, 1979: 2. "The resulting material, as noted in the Physical Constants section of the CRC Handbook (WEAST 77b), is a colorless, cubic-crystal solid, with an index of optical refraction of 2.4173." 2.4173
Bailey, Lowell. Diamonds are Forever. The Georgia Mineral Society, 2003. "Light travels through space, a vacuum, at 186,282 miles per second, that is the base refractive index of 1.00, once it hits the atmosphere of earth it is slowed to 186,232 miles per second, that gives air, an index of 1.02 and in water it is slowed down to 140,061 miles per second, water has the refractive index of 1.33, if it goes through glass, such as a window pane it is slowed to 122.554 miles per second, glass has a refractive index of 1.52, when that light hits Diamond the speed is cut drastically to 77,056 miles per second, the diamond has a refractive index of 2.4175." 2.4175

Diamonds is the worlds' hardest mineral. They are transparent through a large range of wavelengths and are commonly known as a girl's best friend. Diamonds come in many colors, such as yellows, browns, grays, and also white, blue, black, reddish, greenish and colorless. Diamonds are the best conductors of heat and have a melting point of 3820 Kelvin. The crystal system/structure is isometric and forms in such shapes as cubes and octahedrons, twinning is also seen. Depending on how perfect the lattice of a diamond is, will change the price of a diamond. The price can range from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The index of refraction of a substance is defined as n = c/v where n is the index of refraction, c is the speed of light and v is the velocity of light through the material. This determines the amount of refraction that occurs when light goes from a vacuum into the material. The index of refraction of a diamond is 2.4175, an exceptionally large number. There are no units for index of refraction.

Jamin Bennett -- 2005