Salary of a Professor
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Bibliographic Entry | Result (w/surrounding text) |
Standardized Result |
Teachers-Postsecondary. US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 20 December 2005. | "Median annual earnings of all postsecondary teachers in May 2004 were $51,800. The middle 50 percent earned between $36,590 and $72,490. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,460, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $99,980." "Earnings for college faculty vary according to rank and type of institution, geographic area, and field. According to a 2004-05 survey by the American Association of University Professors, salaries for full-time faculty averaged $68,505. By rank, the average was $91,548 for professors, $65,113 for associate professors, $54,571 for assistant professors, $39,899 for instructors, and $45,647 for lecturers. Faculty in 4-year institutions earn higher salaries, on average, than do those in 2-year schools. In 2004-05, faculty salaries averaged $79,342 in private independent institutions, $66,851 in public institutions, and $61,103 in religiously affiliated private colleges and universities. In fields with high-paying nonacademic alternatives--medicine, law, engineering, and business, among others--earnings exceed these averages. In others fields--such as the humanities and education--they are lower." |
$25,460-$79,342 |
The Devaluing of Higher Education [pdf]. AAUP. April 2006. American Association of University Professors. 25 May 2006. | [Table 4 - pdf] [Table 5 - pdf] |
$50,341-$110,343 |
Faculty Salary Trends.1997-98 FSU Factbook. Florida State University. 25 May 2006. | [see table below] | $44,637-$68,297 |
Wilson, Robin, and Fogg Piper. Faculty Salaries Rise, for Now.19 April 2002: 1-4. | "The AAUP report presents salary data in a variety of ways each year, including by rank. Full professors were paid an average of $83,282 in 2001-2, associate professors an average of $59,496, and assistant professors an average of $49,505. But the rate of pay varies widely at each level, depending on the type of institution. While full professors at doctoral-level universities averaged $94,788 in 2001-2, those at two-year colleges averaged $60,803." | $49,500-$129,000 |
Year | Professor | Associate | Assistant | All Ranks |
1986-87 | $44,637 | $31,946 | $27,881 | $36,813 |
1987-88 | $46,986 | $33,658 | $30,178 | $39,020 |
1988-89 | $49,921 | $35,958 | $31,926 | $41,760 |
1989-90 | $52,559 | $38,222 | $33,108 | $43,741 |
1990-91 | $54,580 | $39,957 | $35,236 | $45,156 |
1991-92 | $54,311 | $39,173 | $35,642 | $44,957 |
1992-93 | $54,677 | $38,934 | $35,491 | $45,247 |
1993-94 | $56,687 | $40,271 | $37,753 | $47,055 |
1994-95 | $59,656 | $43,604 | $40,439 | $50,218 |
1995-96 | $62,865 | $45,774 | $41,981 | $52,382 |
1996-97 | $65,508 | $48,880 | $44,471 | $55,001 |
1997-98 | $68,297 | $50,870 | $45,742 | $56,810 |
Getting a college education is very important today for advancing our careers and improving our lives. Having the right mentors and professors will also play a key role in how far you will go with your college education. In hope that they would be the great mentors, college professors receive a generous salary and benefits. As a result salaries of professors today have reached six digits doubling what they would have made a decade ago.
The salary of college professors varies depending on their academic rank, experience, category, affiliations, tenure and gender. According to the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) professors with a doctoral degree could make as much as $101,620 annually in public universities, $131,292 in private universities and $113,740 in church related institutions during the 2005-2006 school year. Female professors with the same degree makes on average $10,00 less than their male colleagues. Professors with a master's or baccalaureate degree would make less in all public, private or church related institutions by difference of $30,000. During the 2004-2005 school year professor salaries averaged $68,505. Today the average salary of professors in the United States is $98,000. In just a year the salary has increase almost 50% of the pervious year.
Like the cost of a college education the salaries of professors are also on the rise. According to Florida State University their professors made a salary of $44,637 for the school year 1986-1987. The following year the salary of full time professors increased five percent. By 1997 the salaries of full time professors had increased thirty-five percent. In an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education College professors make on average $83, 282 annually during the school year 2001-2002. Since professor salaries have been on the rise for the last decade it is possible that it will continue to rise in the future. As for college students it seems that we will continue to wear the burden of tuition hikes.
Miao Ling Wu -- 2006