Number of Deaths in the US
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Bibliographic Entry | Result (w/surrounding text) |
Standardized Result |
NationMaster - Death rate (most recent) by country. NationMaster. 2007. | #101 United States: 8.26 deaths/1,000 population | 8.26 per 1000 |
NCHS - FASTATS - Deaths/Morality. National Center for Health Statistics. 28 April 2008. | Number of deaths: 2,448,017 Death rate: 825.9 deaths per 100,000 population |
8.259 per 1000 |
CIA - The World Factbook - United States. CIA. 15 May 2008. | 8.27 deaths/1,000 population (2008 est.) | 8.27 per 1000 |
United States Death rate - Demographics. IndexMundi. 16 May 2008. | 2003 8.44 (2003 est.) 2004 8.25 (2004 est.) 2005 8.25 (2005 est.) 2007 8.26 (2007 est.) |
8.25–8.44 per 1000 |
USATODAY.COM - USA records largest drop in annual deaths in at least 60 years. Rubin, Rita. 19 April 2006. | The preliminary number of U.S. deaths in 2004 was 2,398,343, compared with 2,448,288 in 2003 | 8.34–8.65 per 1000 |
United States - General Demographic Characteristics: 2003. US Census Bureau. | Total population: 282,909,885 | |
United States - General Demographic Characteristics: 2004. US Census Bureau. | Total population: 285,691,501 |
Death is defined as the end of the life of an organism. Many factors can cause or contribute to an organism's death, including predation, disease, habitat destruction, malnutrition and accidents or physical injuries. No one can be sure when death occurs, but sometimes there are signs indicating death. So be careful the next time you step out of your house, because you don't know for sure if you will come back alive.
Morality rate is a measure of the number of deaths. Usually morality rates are measured in units of deaths per 1,000 individual per year. The morality rate in the United States is low compared to other countries. The average morality rate in the United States is 8.29 between 2003 and 2008.
Crime and violence have been a major factor in deaths. Crime rates are slowly decreasing, but at the same time it still contributes to the death rates. Many people are killed in car crashes because of irresponsible teen drivers. If you want to stay alive, make sure that the person who is driving is a safe driver.
Death can or can't be avoided; it is up to the person dealing with it. In order to stay alive, people should be aware of their lifestyle. Always be careful of your actions and your surroundings because you don't know what's going to happen next.
Edna Wu -- 2008
Bibliographic Entry | Result (w/surrounding text) |
Standardized Result |
US Census Bureau. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2006 (125th edition). Washington, DC: 2005: 81. |
2,479,445 (1995) 2,445,556 (2000) 2,461,174 (2001) 2,460,144 (2002) |
Deaths and Mortality. National Center for health statistics, 2006. |
2,443,387 (2004) |
US Birth and Death Rates. Encarta, 2006. | [Click here to see graph. There are approximately 850 deaths per 100,000 population. The population in 2000 is 281,421,906 people.] |
2,392,086 (2000) |
Rubin, Rita. USA records largest drop in annual deaths in at least 60 years. USA Today, 2006. | "Nearly 50,000 fewer Americans died in 2004 than in 2003, according to data based on about 90% of US death certificates. The preliminary number of US deaths in 2004 was 2,398,343, compared with 2,448,288 in 2003." | 2,398,343 (2004) 2,448,288 (2003) |
The US is a large land mass occupied by nearly 296 million diverse people. With such a large area there are many factors that can affect the death rate of the country. Some of the reasons that the death rate has lowered from the early 1900s to present day is the advancement in medicine, sanitation, and economics. With the help of the discovery of insulin in 1922; of penicillin in 1928 and of vaccines and antibiotics along the way, the death rate has decreased dramatically. Life expectancy has also increased from an approximately average of 30 years in the 20s to 77 years in 2003.
Even during World War II the death rate was still going down even as the birth rate increased. More wounded soldiers were living through the treatments to their wounds. In the '20s the major cause of death were cardiovascular diseases and the flu, with 364.9 deaths and 207.3 deaths per 100,000 population which was followed closely by Tuberculosis. In 1960 the leading cause of death was still cardiovascular disease now at 521.8 deaths per 100,000 population, but now the second highest death rate was for malignant cancers at 149.2 deaths per 100,000 population, and TB had dwindled down to 6.1 deaths per 100.000 population. Despite our best efforts and research the two leading causes of death in 2002 were Major cardiovascular disease and malignant cancers at 318.3 and 193.8 deaths per 100,000 population.
Sahrish Javed -- 2006