Area of Manhattan
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Bibliographic Entry | Result (w/surrounding text) |
Standardized Result |
Colliers Encyclopedia. | "Approximately 23 square miles" | 60 km2 |
Funk and Wagnals Standard Dictionary. 1964: 774. | "An island in SE New York at the mouth of the Hudson River: 22 square miles" | 57 km2 |
Kazin, Alfred. A Walker in the City. New York: Harcourt, 1952. | "Manhattan is an island encompassing (rough perimeter) 2 1/2 by 12 1/2 miles (4 by 20 km)" | < 100 km2 |
The city of New York City is divided into five districts or boroughs. The five boroughs consist of Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Queens and Manhattan. These boroughs all form the city of New York. With a population that exceeds 7,300,000 the city is one of the world's largest as well.
Manhattan is an island southeast of New York at the mouth of the Hudson River. Manhattan is an island encompassing within its 2½ by 12½ miles (4 by 20 km) consists of manufacturing plants, warehouses, corporate headquarters, boutiques, and major stores.
In 1626, the Dutch made the southern tip of Manhattan (New Amsterdam) a trading post. That same year Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan from the Algonquin tribe. He got the island by giving the inhabitants small tools and trinkets valued at about 60 florins or $24. During the 1700s, New York became one of the great commercial centers of British colonies in North America. In 1898 Manhattan and the surrounding counties become separate boroughs of the expanded and consolidated City of New York. Even though New York City consists of five boroughs, Manhattan is the main economic hub of the city and one of the world's leading commercial, financial, cultural, manufacturing, medical, and tourist centers.
Atiya Dixon -- 2000
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